Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Weight Loss for Women

Weight Loss in teenage is quite easier then 30s. Weight Loss after having baby is actually tough not due to the hormonal changes in our body but also due to Lack of time. But we can get rid of these extra kilos by just changing our habits and lifestyle. First of all we have to prepare yourself that these is the real time to lose weight, not tomorrow, not after this week or after this month, we have to start from Now. Then only we can lose weight. I believe looks does a lot in our life, especially health, because this is in our hand. Having a Fat body ruins not only our confidence but also creates lots of health complications also. So Ladies be prepare to lose weight, I am going to share my thoughts, suggestions and tips which I have learnt from my life. Here are the six Golden rules to lose weight

Eat Healthy
Eating habit is actual culprit o those extra kilos. But we can change that by adding more nutritive food items like salads, egg, fruits, milk and many more.

Dink More and More Water
It’s been medically proved that water is super beneficial for our health. Water having lots of health benefits like it will reduce you appetite, it clean toxic element from your body and keep you hydrated.

Avoid Junk
Avoid Junks food they have lots of calories from fat, which actually harmful for our health and leads weight gain.

Digestion plays an important factor of weight loss. Undigested food makes your body fat. So chew the food as long as it melts in your mouth and drink water after 1 hour of having meal. Eat as much as fiber for proper digestion of all foods

Do Some Physical Work
Exercise toughest part but ladies we have to do this, we can start with light exercise like jogging, skipping or walking. Aerobics is also an easy way to lose weight without any equipment. And above all if you have time then Join a Jim.

Be Patients
And at last be patients. Weight loss need time, there is not shortcut to lose weight. Regular exercise and planned diet only makes your dream fulfill.

Stay Healthy and Be Happy

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